I'm good


Monday, April 25, 2005

sometimes in life, when my spirit, soul and mind is battered by struggles, hate and spite,
I just have to decide that everything Jesus represents- the cross, His love, hope, His forgiveness is enough for me to give up all for Him.
Nothing I can give or cannot give can ever compare to what You have first given to me

Set me free, Jesus- John 8:36 says, "So if the Son sets you free, you are free indeed!"

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

From Pst Phil's Desk..a timely note

'Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience.' - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Hi, I'm Phil Pringle
You're going to love this

Patience is strength of spirit. She is the measure of our capacity.
Short spirit, short patience, long spirit, long patience.
Patience bears heavy loads with a happy attitude, without complaining.
Patience is something I decide to receive, to embrace.
Say, 'I decide to be patient. I receive patience now.'
Patience is nourished through trial, strengthened through pressure.
Whatever you're facing right now, it is growing your level of patience.
This in turn increases your capacity.
Increased capacity increases your success levels.
Be patient. It will surely come to pass.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

amazing sUnday!

Sunday was amazing! Breakthrough 40 mark! If there's a title apt for Sunday's sermon by beloved Dr Joe, it's gotta be "Don't act like you know God when you really don't." HA! Well that's what I came up with. heh.

I loved the vibe on Sunday and I really want to thank God for His favour and the harvest that we've reaped. Lord, I really want to keep the harvest in this time. Please give me the faith and I desperately cry out to You in desperation. Lord, teach me to love the people You've entrusted me.

I'm tired of winning and then losing, NO! I want to win, consolidate, disciple and send them all out! I want armies of God! I want strong army! Not luke-warm, wimpy ones! Please God, teach me to have faith, trust You and have compassion for without Jesus I can do nothing!!!!


Lastly, a note to all r.n. members who read this, let's give God excellence every week, every service, every cell group, not just in IMWs but all the time, knowing that the atmosphere we built is going to bless every person and member who comes to worship Him.

Monday, April 18, 2005

my crazy fun church Posted by Hello

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Met up with my NZ friend, Nicola Cowie today. She was on transit from Holland to NZ for holiday.
It was good catching up. Shared and challenged each other's paradigms. Funny how we wanted to just steer from talking about work but realised that we can't cos work is life and life's work. Ha! But it was good...like we said, it's breath of fresh air. Can't wait for east-meet-west culture. She's a music director in CCC in Holland and just got herself a boyfriend-her first! I'm so glad for her, he definitely sounds like a nice guy- granted she's biased! HEh.
During christianity 101 today, a new girl joined us, her name's Min Yen (Dawn's friend!) and she's so open and pretty and she enjoyed herself so much!YEAH! We're not going to let any person go without a fight anymore!

God, I don't want to be a hired hand, I want to be a shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep.

I find it so hard to be real. U know, have struggles and all and still be real. Know the expectations yet at the same time believe in people enough to tell me that it's ok to not 'live it up' sometimes and not be written off as not having faith. Be healed and move on rather than move on, not healed.

God heal me and teach me, mould me that I can be all You want me to be. Help me to get whole and know the standards, to know and experience Your deep love and acceptance and do Your work as Your daughter and not Your servant. I want to be Your friend, Your daughter, Your lover. Lord, come again and again...Never stop coming.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

heyo! playo..a bit of random-ness

HA! Just came back from watching BE COOL..it's alright... Basically lots of black slang the 'yo', 'yo bro', 'play-yo','be kewl...' yada-yada. Sean enjoyed it and so do I cos you get to laugh at anything and everything. Heh.

Got my hair cut yesterday. Nah, didn't get no colour cos ain't no guts to ask. heh. (Su's like 'aiyah! you must ask lah...' Heh, Zap spent a good hour and 15 mins on me, I have got no complains.=) Everybody's asking me about my hair: where i had it cut and how much, when I tell them it's free they're like 'No Way!', 'Why?' ...Cos God said so. =) This whole deal is God and cos God said He wants to bless me so here's the blessing. Free hair-dos until who-knows-when. Isn't that amazing? God cares about me and knows what I love and want that He just takes care of it. *blissful sigh*

I want strong disciples, strong members because all that equals a STRONG church. That's what I've been praying for 'God make us strong...No more defeated mentalities, depression, frustrations and confusions. NO more!' I will be strong! YEAHHHHH....

Love..If you ain't got love, you ain't got nothing.