I'm good


Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Met up with my NZ friend, Nicola Cowie today. She was on transit from Holland to NZ for holiday.
It was good catching up. Shared and challenged each other's paradigms. Funny how we wanted to just steer from talking about work but realised that we can't cos work is life and life's work. Ha! But it was good...like we said, it's breath of fresh air. Can't wait for east-meet-west culture. She's a music director in CCC in Holland and just got herself a boyfriend-her first! I'm so glad for her, he definitely sounds like a nice guy- granted she's biased! HEh.
During christianity 101 today, a new girl joined us, her name's Min Yen (Dawn's friend!) and she's so open and pretty and she enjoyed herself so much!YEAH! We're not going to let any person go without a fight anymore!

God, I don't want to be a hired hand, I want to be a shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep.

I find it so hard to be real. U know, have struggles and all and still be real. Know the expectations yet at the same time believe in people enough to tell me that it's ok to not 'live it up' sometimes and not be written off as not having faith. Be healed and move on rather than move on, not healed.

God heal me and teach me, mould me that I can be all You want me to be. Help me to get whole and know the standards, to know and experience Your deep love and acceptance and do Your work as Your daughter and not Your servant. I want to be Your friend, Your daughter, Your lover. Lord, come again and again...Never stop coming.


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